[ST-J] jacket-type general-purpose container -
[CTL-J] jacket sealed container band type -
[HT-ST-J] hopper type jacket general-purpose container -
[HT-CTL-J] hopper type jacket sealed container band type -
[KTT-ST-J-L] single tapered jacket general purpose container with legs -
[KTT-CTL-J-L] single tapered jacket sealed container with legs banded -
[HT-ST-J-L] hopper type jacket general purpose container with legs -
[HT-CTL-J-L] hopper type jacket sealed container with legs band type -
[DT-ST-J-L] end plate-type jacket general purpose container with legs -
[DT-CTL-J-L] end plate-type jacket sealed container with legs band type -
[DTK-J] stirrer seat with end plate type jacket container (ferrule) -
[DTM-J] stirrer seat with end plate type jacket vessel (tank bottom valve)